Schools are filled with activity and loud noise, and this can be overwhelming for anyone. The bustling environment and fluorescent lighting can be even more overwhelming for students living with autism spectrum disorder and other special educational needs. Many schools have created sensory rooms as a solution to this problem by providing a safe haven of calm and control within the school's busy setting (Sensory Rooms: A School Guide).
Sensory rooms are special rooms designed to develop a person’s senses, through the use of lighting, music, and objects. “Each element within the room is carefully chosen to cater to the specific sensory needs of the student, thereby creating an accessible environment that promotes positive effects on their learning experience” (Sensory Rooms: A School Guide). For example, one room might be equipped with blackout curtains and soft music to provide visual and auditory comfort, while another room may be filled with textured materials to engage a student's sense of touch.
Here are three reasons why it is important to incorporate sensory rooms in school environments:
1) Supports Sensory Needs
Some students, particularly those with exceptionalities such as Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia often struggle with processing everyday sensory information. For instance, a person that is neurodiverse may be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to specific sights, sounds, smells, or textures (Society). Sensory rooms offer a calm and soothing environment where these students can help students manage stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges.
2) Promotes Calmness and Relaxation
Sensory rooms typically include calming elements such as soft lighting, comfortable seating, and soothing sounds and textures. These features create a safe and relaxing environment, providing a space where students can unwind and reduce any stress or anxiety that they might have.
3) Improves Focus
There are many different sensory experiences within a sensory room that can capture and maintain a student's attention. By providing a unique and engaging environment, sensory rooms help students increase their focus on academic tasks. Once students have spent time in a sensory room, they come out a lot more focused and ready to learn.
In conclusion, sensory rooms provide a calm space where students can retreat from the sensory overload of the hustle and bustle of a typical school environment. They help neurodiverse people reduce their anxiety levels and cope with challenging environments.
Looking to create a calm and soothing space that caters to help students with sensory needs? We can help! Reach out today at info@accentenvironments.com.
To learn more about our sensory packages, click here.
“Sensory Rooms: A School Guide.” Structural Learning | Advancing Metacognitive Classroom Practice, https://www.structural-learning.com/post/sensory-rooms#:~:text=The%20benefits%20of%20sensory%20rooms,of%20life%20for%20these%20students. Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.
Society, National Autistic. “Sensory Differences.” National Autistic Society, https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/sensory-differences/sensory-differences#:~:text=Autistic%20people%20may%20experience%20sensory,also%20cause%20distress%20or%20discomfort. Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.
“Sensory Differences - Autism Tasmania.” Autism Tasmania, https://www.facebook.com/AutismTasmania/, https://www.autismtas.org.au/about-autism/key-areas-of-difference/sensory-differences/#:~:text=Many%20people%20with%20autism%20have,one%20day%20to%20the%20next. Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.
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