Today is the day we recognize all the Teachers around the World. At Accent, we believe that Teachers are at the root of our society, teaching, preparing and mentoring the leaders of tomorrow. To show our support for all teachers, on #WorldTeachersDay, I asked a few members of our team to share a message to the many teachers we work with every day.
Here is what they had to say:
"Teachers are the epitome of the word ‘unselfish’ – they limitlessly share their knowledge, skills and time to their students – young & old. Thank you for setting such a great example!" - Jen
"Hello Teachers! You have no idea how much you do for society, and in effect change the world for a better place every day. All those late nights planning lessons and marking work and what you do to motivate and engage each student every day doesn’t go unnoticed. We want to say THANK YOU!" - Russell
"I would like to take this time to thank all teachers for giving us the opportunity to serve you to make you and your students teaching and learning experience better." - Heather
"Teachers – Everyone needs them. Not everyone appreciates them until you realise how much you need them." - Duncan
“Teachers are one of the first people that allow children to see things from an alternate perspective when they are growing up and can open their world up to worlds, places and ideas that they may not have thought possible before. Thank you to all those teachers who help to open my eyes and all other students eyes to the great things they can be or accomplish.” - Craig
"Teachers have a greater impact on the students in their class then they will ever know. The lessons they teach, far above math, science, language and social studies and the other core subjects they teach, they also ingrain lasting messages that shape students for the future." - Krista
On behalf of all of the Accent Team, I would like to say THANK YOU for all you do!
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