Dream about STEAM

Dream about STEAM

Think about a STEAM/STEM space for your school. What does it involve? Is it a space where students can explore and learn skills for the careers of tomorrow?

3 things to consider for your STEAM space:

 1️⃣ Flexibility – Movable and #flexiblefurniture allows your space to be transformed for the specific task. Being able to easily accommodate for group activity as well as individual students is key. 

 2️⃣ Functionality/Durability – In STEAM, creative juices flow freely, and experiments of all kinds are performed! Ensuring your furniture is robust for any environment is essential.

 3️⃣ Storage – Adequate storage is vital in your STEAM space. Robotics, electronics, devices, tools, instruments, LEGO™ – you name it - all need to be stored properly. Mobility and multipurpose storage makes way for additional flexibility.

 Start your dream about STEAM here!


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